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Lab Animal Occupational Health Program


Risk Assessment and Medical Questionnaire Forms will be submitted directly to the Occupational Health physician.

Please access the online tool as follows:

1) Access the Office 365 landing page:

2) To login, type in your IMSS user name with the email suffix (e.g., then click on the Tab or Enter key on your keyboard.  A password is not required on this page. You will be redirected to the Caltech Office 365 Login.

3) Enter your IMSS Username and Password in Office 365. The LAOHP website will open.

NOTE: If you are a NEW participant or are unable to access the LAOHP website after entering your IMSS User Name and Password, please open a ticket with IMSS to request access to the LAOHP site.

Select request type IMSS > Office 365 > SharePoint > Request Access to Existing SharePoint Site > LAOHP / Respiratory Protection Program

You will receive an email notification from IMSS within 48 hours when you have access to the LAOHP homepage. Note, you may also select the Respirator Protection Program link from the homepage of the LAOHP.

Need assistance? See the login instructions by clicking here.